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游侠会员:windspearw 原创

Pioneer: Do all quests for scientists, including the anomalous grove one.先锋:完成科学家们的全部任务,包括深入异常地带。Mutant Hunter: Finish all mutant hunting quests in Jupiter.突变兽猎手:在Jupiter完成全部狩猎任务。Detective: Find out who was killing Stalkers.侦探:找出谁杀了潜行者。One of the Lads: Repel Bandits.好伙计:反抗强盗。Kingpin: Help Bandits.匪徒:帮助强盗。(条件未知,我卡在向Sultan交出Compass神器后的一个任务上)Herald of Justice: Catch Soroka.正义使者:找出Soroka。The Seeker: Find all artifacts.探索者:找出所有类型的神器。Battle Systems Master: Find 3 toolkits for Cardan.战斗系统大师:为Cardon寻找3个工具。Hi-tech Master: Find 3 toolkits for Azot.高级技术大师:为Azot寻找3个工具。Leader: Hire Monolith leader, military pilot and Vano.领袖:雇佣“黑石”小队长、军队飞行员和Vano。Diplomat: Complete Mitai and Vano missions in a peaceful way.外交官:和平解决Mitai和Vano的任务(ps:似乎只完成Mitai的任务就行)Research Man: Do scientist missions up to the advanced detector one.研究人员:使用第四级探测器完成科学家任务。Friend of Duty: Tell Duty leader about Flint, hire Duty for scientists, give Duty Founder and Morgans PDAs to the leader.纪律团之友:向纪律团首领告发Flint、为科学家雇佣纪律团、把纪律团创始人和Morgan的PDA交给首领。Friend of Freedom: Tell Freedom leader about Flint, hire Freedom for scientists, give Duty Founder and Morgans PDAs to the leader.自由团之友:向自由团首领告发Flint、为科学家雇佣自由团、把纪律团创始人和Morgan的PDA交给首领。Balance Advocate: Sell the Duty Founders PDA, Morgans PDA to Sitch and find Soroka.不偏不倚:找出Soroka并向Sitch售卖纪律团创始人和Mogan的PDA。Keeper of Secrets: Give Strelok 3 notes regarding him and his gang.守口如瓶:将Strelok以及手下的3个笔记物归原主。The Skilled Stalker: Go visit all anomalies and find artifacts in them. You can get this one in Jupiter. Do lots of artifact hunting.经验丰富的潜行者:探索所有类型的异常地带并从中发现神器。你可以在Jupiter就得到此成就。努力farm神器吧!Wealthy: Get 100 000 Rubles.不差钱:获得10万卢布。Marked by Zone: Survive 3 blowouts using anabiotics.被Zone锁定:使用抗剂抵御3次核风暴。Information Dealer: Sell 3 Zaton docs, 4 Jupiter docs, 2 Zaton PDAs(?),Bandit leaders, Koryagas (Snags), Morgans, Founders, Dealers PDAs, as well as a notebook, unmanned plane memory stick to Sitch.狗仔队:向Sitch售卖以下物品:3个Zaton 文档、4个Jupiter文档、2个Zaton PDA、强盗首领PDA(?)、Koryaga (Snag)的PDA、Morgan的PDA、纪律团创始人PDA,以及笔记和无人驾驶飞机的黑匣。Friend of Stalkers: Do spying on Morgan mission for Beard, do Vanos and Mitais missions (diplomatic way also), kill the Chimera in Zaton.潜行者之友:为Beard做监视Morgan的任务、完成Vano和Mitai的任务(可以使用外交手段),在Zaton杀死Chimera。 

相关名词注释:(可能与以后的官方英文版有出入)Zaton:第一张地图;Jupiter:第二张地图;废船(Skadowsk):第一张地图营地;Yanov车站:第二张地图营地;Cardon: 废船技师;Beard:废船酒吧老板;Sitch:废船武器商人;Sultan:废船强盗老大;Koryaga (Snag):潜行者骗子,有一系列任务;Morgan:Zaton谈判任务中穿外骨骼的纪律团团员;Soroka(Flint):潜行者逃兵,有一系列任务;Havets:Yanov武器商人;Azot:Yanov技师;Vano:5000利息老伯;Mitai:人质拯救任务目标;Herman和Ozesky教授:科学家Novikov:科学家营地技师;Strelok:不用我解释了吧:)

标签: 迷失地带之普里皮亚季的召唤达成成就的条件
