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速看:MOHO Tutorial 3.9: Isolating Bones from Parenting (Pro Only)

When you assign a parent to a bone, Moho takes a snapshot of the parenting  at that state. You can animate a bone that is on top of the parented bone (with  independent angles, for example). But you typically don’t want to animate the  bone that does the parenting because it has a snapshot taken of it and animation  changes to the parent can cause unexpected changes in in the animation. 

If you’re animating bones by hand, you should avoid animating the bone that  another bone is parented to. Instead, use small bones to isolate the animation as  shown in this example.

当您将父级分配给骨骼时,Moho 会在该状态下拍摄父级的快照。 您可以为父骨骼顶部的骨骼设置动画(例如,具有独立的角度)。 但是您通常不希望对进行父项设置的骨骼进行动画处理,因为它对它进行了快照,并且对父项的动画更改可能会导致动画中的意外更改。


如果您手动为骨骼设置动画,则应避免为另一个骨骼作为父级的骨骼设置动画。 相反,使用小骨骼来隔离动画,如本例所示。

要学习本教程,您可以从教程 3.8 中的中断点继续,或者从 User Content 文件夹中的 Tutorial 3.8 Finished.moho 项目开始。

1. 从您在上一课中完成的项目开始,或打开位于您的用户内容文件夹中的 Tutorial 3.8 Finished.moho。

2. 选择图层 3 作为当前图层,隐藏工程中的其他图层。

3. Scrub through the timeline. You’ll notice at frame 24 that the two outer arms  reach down to the shorter arms in the middle. Then they move up again at  Frame 36.

4. The two bone chains in the middle are already set up with bone dynamics,  which are used in this tutorial in place of manual animation. The inner bone  chains bounce in a springy manner. The inner left and right bone chains are  identical except that the bone chain on the inner right has a small bone at the  bottom. This bone will be used for parenting of the inner right bone chain so that  you can understand the advantages of isolating bones in parenting.

3. 梳理时间线。 您会在第 24 帧注意到,两个外臂向下延伸到中间较短的臂。 然后它们在第 36 帧再次向上移动。

4. 中间的两条骨骼链已经设置了骨骼动力学,在本教程中用于代替手动动画。 内部骨链以弹性方式弹跳。 内部左右骨链是相同的,只是内部右侧的骨链底部有一个小骨头。 这块骨头将用于内部右骨链的育儿,以便您了解隔离骨骼在育儿中的优势。

5. Move to frame 24. Click the bottom bone in the middle left chain with the  Select Bone tool.  

6. Now switch to the Reparent Bone tool, and click the the top bone in the bone  chain at the farthest left. In this bone chain, the bone dynamics will simulate  what will happen when you try to animate bones that have a parent assigned.

5. 移动到第 24 帧。使用选择骨骼工具单击左中间链中的底部骨骼。

6. 现在切换到 Reparent Bone 工具,并单击最左侧骨骼链中的顶部骨骼。 在这个骨骼链中,骨骼动力学将模拟当您尝试为分配了父级的骨骼设置动画时会发生什么。

. 内部左链中的下部骨骼是最左侧链中顶部骨骼的父级。

7. Now we’ll work with the set of bones at the right, which have the extra  small bone that we will use for parenting. This small bone will help isolate the  animation of the bone chain from the parenting. While still at Frame 24, select  the small bone with the Select Bone tool.

8. Next, switch to the Reparent Bone tool and click the top bone in the bone  chain at the farthest right.

7. 现在我们将使用右侧的一组骨骼,其中包含我们将用于育儿的额外小骨骼。 这个小骨头将有助于将骨骼链的动画与育儿隔离开来。 在第 24 帧时,使用“选择骨骼”工具选择小骨骼。

8. 接下来,切换到 Reparent Bone 工具并单击最右侧骨骼链中的顶部骨骼。

. 内部右链中的小骨骼是最右链中顶部骨骼的父级。

Play the animation back. You’ll notice that when the animation reaches Frame  24, where the reparenting took place, there is a sudden change in the angle  of the bone that was reparented in the chain on the left side. This is due to the  mathematics in the physics because it’s getting a sudden surge of springy action.  You don’t see this effect on the chain on the right side because it is isolated by the  small bone that was assigned as the parent. In this case, the small bone gets a the  sudden change in angle, but it isolates that change from the bones in the inner right  bone chain.

播放动画。 您会注意到,当动画到达第 24 帧时,即发生重新父代的位置,左侧链中重新设置父代的骨骼的角度突然发生了变化。 这是由于物理学中的数学,因为它突然出现了弹性动作。 您在右侧的链上看不到这种效果,因为它被指定为父级的小骨骼隔离。 在这种情况下,小骨头的角度会发生突然变化,但它会将这种变化与右侧骨链中的骨头隔离开来。

标签: Moho WITH 会发生什么
