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焦点讯息:MOHO Tutorial 8.2: Rigging Vitruvian Bones

Tutorial 8.2: Rigging Vitruvian Bones

Although Vitruvian Bones need to be set up with the ‘Use Selected Bones For FlexiBinding’ menu in order to work correctly, you are not limited to that option. 


After you use that menu, you can still Bind points or Entire layers to specific bones,  create Smart bones for joints or control Levers and use any tool you would normally  use for rigging a character. 

As you can see here, this character is using Point Binding for the arm:

教程 8.2:装配维特鲁威骨骼




Also, Vitruvian bones are not limited to one layer. You can attach as many layers as  you want to Vitruvian Bones and they can be anywhere inside of the Bone layer. 

So, for instance, an arm can be split in two layers: Arm and Forearm. Then the arm  can be behind the body layer and the forearm in front of it, as you can see here:

此外,维特鲁威骨骼不限于一层。 您可以将任意数量的层附加到维特鲁威骨骼,它们可以位于骨骼层内的任何位置。

因此,例如,手臂可以分为两层:手臂和前臂。 然后手臂可以在身体层后面,前臂在它前面,如下所示:

Animating Vitruvian Bones

Basic concepts of the timeline: 

To animate with Vitruvian Bones, it’s very important to understand some basic  concepts of Moho’s timeline: 

For most of the channels, there’s a white and a red channel.

The red channel only shows the keyframes of the element you have selected at the  moment. 

The white channel shows you keyframes of any of the elements that have movement  in the selected layer.

So, as a summary: 

The red channelworks to modify and re-time specific movement

The white channelis useful to modify and re-time all the elements at once.



要使用 Vitruvian Bones 制作动画,了解 Moho 时间线的一些基本概念非常重要:







Animating with Vitruvian Bones

When you start animating Vitruvian Bones, you will notice some new channels  appearing in the timeline. These are special channels and behave a bit different  from the rest. 

First, you will notice the Vitruvian Boneschannels. These channels will appear every  time you change the Active Bone on a Vitruvian Bones Group (by using the tool  menu or the Alt+D and Alt+C shortcuts):


当您开始制作 Vitruvian Bones 动画时,您会注意到时间轴中出现了一些新通道。 这些是特殊通道,其行为与其他通道略有不同。

首先,您会注意到 Vitruvian Bones 频道。 每次更改维特鲁威骨骼组上的活动骨骼时,这些通道都会出现(通过使用工具菜单或 Alt+D 和 Alt+C 快捷键):

Every time you change the Active Bone of any Vitruvian Group during your  animation, this channel will show you a Keyframe at that frame.


This channel is very similar to the previous one, but it only shows the keyframes of the  Vitruvian Group selected at that moment. 

If you select a bone that is part of a Vitruvian Group, this channel will show  keyframes every time you change the Active Bone of that specific Vitruvian Group.

这个通道与上一个非常相似,但它只显示了当时选择的 Vitruvian Group 的关键帧。

如果您选择属于 Vitruvian Group 的骨骼,则每次更改该特定 Vitruvian Group 的 Active Bone 时,此通道都会显示关键帧。

您还将看到 Vitruvian Bones Consolidated 频道:

This channel shows a general summary of every Vitruvian bone animated. 

If any of the Vitruvian Bones in the Bone layer has a keyframe (it can be in Rotation,  Scale, Translation, Flip or any bone animation channel), a keyframe will also appear  in the Vitruvian Bones Consolidated channel. 

This channel is very important, because it shows the entire animation in the timeline,  even for bones that are not visible at the time.

This allows to modify and re-time an entire animation easily





This channel is very similar to the previous one, but it only shows the keyframes of the  Vitruvian Group selected at that moment.

If you select a bone that is part of a Vitruvian Group, this channel will show  keyframes in the frames where any of the bones of that group has keyframes. 

This channel is especially useful if you want to modify the animation in a specific  group. For instance, all your animation is working fine, but the left Arm is moving too  slowly. Then you can modify the keyframes of this channel to adjust the timing of the  entire group at once.

这个通道与上一个非常相似,但它只显示了当时选择的 Vitruvian Group 的关键帧。

如果您选择属于 Vitruvian 组的骨骼,此通道将在该组的任何骨骼具有关键帧的帧中显示关键帧。

如果您想修改特定组中的动画,此通道特别有用。 例如,您的所有动画都运行良好,但左臂移动太慢。 然后你可以修改这个通道的关键帧来一次调整整个组的时间。

VItruvian Bones Consolidated 频道显示在第 6、12 和 18 帧有动画。这是一个一般摘要,显示在第 6、12 和 18 帧中,维特鲁威骨骼是动画的。

维特鲁威骨骼通道显示在第 6 帧和第 18 帧中更改了一个或多个维特鲁威活动骨骼。

Selected Vitruvian Bones Consolidated 通道显示选定的骨骼(角色的右臂)是 VItruvian 组的一部分,并且该组在第 6 帧和第 12 帧中有关键帧。这个 Vitruvian 手臂在第 18 帧没有移动,因此没有关键帧 那里。

选定的维特鲁威骨骼通道显示选定的骨骼(角色的右臂)是维特鲁威组的一部分,并且该特定组仅在第 6 帧中更改了活动骨骼。

Disabling Vitruvian Bones Groups

If you want to see and edit all the bones and content from a Vitruvian group, you  can temporarily disable that group. 

This option is very useful to make changes on the overall design, add Smart Bones or  make adjustments on the animation. 

Just use the Vitruvian Bones Tool, select one bone from the Vitruvian Group you want  to disable and uncheck the Enabled box in the toolbar.


如果要查看和编辑 Vitruvian 组中的所有骨骼和内容,可以暂时禁用该组。



You can also Disable or Enable every Vitruvian Group from a character by going to  the menu 

Bone -> Disable All Vitruvian Bones 

Bone -> Enable All Vitruvian Bones

All Vitruvian Bones Disabled:

您还可以通过转到菜单来禁用或启用角色的每个 Vitruvian 组

骨骼 -> 禁用所有维特鲁威骨骼

骨骼 -> 启用所有维特鲁威骨骼


Adding and Removing Bones from a Vitruvian Group

If you want to Add a bone chain to an already created Vitruvian Group, 

• Use the Vitruvian Bone tool 

• Select one of the main bones from the Vitruvian Group you want to edit 

• Holding shift, add the chain of bones you want to add to the selection 

• Press the + button to add the chain to the Vitruvian Group

在 Vitruvian 组中添加和移除骨骼

如果您想将骨链添加到已创建的 Vitruvian Group,

• 使用维特鲁威骨骼工具

• 从您要编辑的 Vitruvian 组中选择一个主要骨骼

• 按住 shift 键,添加要添加到选区的骨骼链

• 按 + 按钮将链添加到维特鲁威集团

• If you want to remove a chain of bones from a Vitruvian Group 

• Use Vitruvian Bones tool 

• Select the main bone of the chain you want to remove from the group 

• Press the - button

• 如果您想从 Vitruvian Group 中移除骨骼链

• 使用维特鲁威骨骼工具

• 选择要从组中移除的链的主骨骼

• 按 - 按钮

标签: 红色通道 MOMENT ANIMATION 骨骼动画 shift Moho
