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(((masterpiece))), (((best quality))), ((ultra-detailed)), (illustration), (detailed light),((an extremely delicate and beautiful)),dramatic_shadow,ray_tracing,(8k, best quality, masterpiece:1.2), 1girl, (motherly:1.3),grey hair,(pretty eyes),green eyes,(huge breasts),white dress,outdoors, pleated_skirt, pretty legs, (white_thigh_highs, skindentation),full body, leggings,uwabaki, pregnant,((shiny_skin)),white_flower, hair_flower, hair_ornament, solo, long_hair,looking at viewer,  at the viewer,Soft Lighting,best shadow,(colorful)

Negative prompt: (worst quality, low quality:1.4), EasyNegative,(worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, normal quality, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)), skin spots, acnes, skin blemishes, age spot, manboobs, backlight,(ugly:1.331), (duplicate:1.331), (morbid:1.21), (mutilated:1.21), (tranny:1.331), mutated hands, (poorly drawn hands:1.331), blurry, (bad anatomy:1.21), (bad proportions:1.331), extra limbs, (disfigured:1.331), (more than 2 nipples:1.331), (missing arms:1.331), (extra legs:1.331), (fused fingers:1.61051), (too many fingers:1.61051), (unclear eyes:1.331), bad hands, missing fingers, extra digit, (futa:1.1), bad body,

Steps: 35, Sampler: DPM++ 2S a Karras, CFG scale: 8, Seed: 3061204659, Face restoration: GFPGAN, Size: 800x600, Model hash: 5493a0ec49, Model: abyssorangemix3AOM3_aom3a1b, Denoising strength: 0.35, Clip skip: 2, ENSD: 31337, Hires upscale: 1.5, Hires steps: 13, Hires upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B, AddNet Enabled: True, AddNet Module 1: LoRA, AddNet Model 1: nailvV1(0f42b201d18d), AddNet Weight A 1: 0.6, AddNet Weight B 1: 0.6, AddNet Module 2: LoRA, AddNet Model 2: nikePregnant_v10(f7344f93e968), AddNet Weight A 2: 0.5, AddNet Weight B 2: 0.5, AddNet Module 3: LoRA, AddNet Model 3: fashionGirl_v50(718d1cd168e7), AddNet Weight A 3: 0.35, AddNet Weight B 3: 0.35

