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【快播报】AI绘画 / 每日一图 / 关键词分享 / MJ


今天使用chatgpt来生成了一个关于A cute anime avatar的描述,再使用MJ进行AI创作,效果还不错哦,很可爱的动漫风格。

编号: 0001


A cute anime avatar with pink hair and big blue eyes, wearing a white school uniform with a red tie and black knee-high socks. She has a small smile on her face and a red hair clip on the right side of her head. She is standing in front of a cherry blossom tree with pink petals falling all around her. Illustration: A digital illustration with a semi-realistic style. The avatar will be drawn with soft brush strokes, and the cherry blossom tree will be detailed with sharp lines and vibrant colors. The background will have a blurred effect, with the focus remaining on the avatar and the tree. --ar 3:4 --q 2 --v 4


一个可爱的动漫头像,粉红色的头发和蓝色的大眼睛,穿着白色校服,红色领带和黑色及膝袜。她脸上挂着浅浅的微笑,头右侧别着一个红色的发夹。她站在一棵樱花树前,粉红色的花瓣在她周围飘落。插图:具有半写实风格的数字插图。头像将使用柔和的笔触绘制,樱花树将以鲜明的线条和鲜艳的色彩进行细节处理。背景将具有模糊效果,焦点仍留在头像和树上。 --ar 3:4 --v 4


